Our content bank is a one-stop shop for busy travel professionals to find all the materials they need to market Iceland as a destination. We urge you to check in often and to use our resources and research products. The content bank includes images, videos, marketing materials, and much more.
Utilize our research, insights, and statistics
Survey on perspectives of Iceland in core markets
A public survey about the international image and awareness of Iceland in core markets.
Surveys conducted by Visit Iceland are sent to around 5,000 foreign travel professionals who offer tours to Iceland.
Market Snapshots
Market snapshots include analysis of tourist profiles, traveler flows, transportation, and target groups from key markets for tourism in Iceland.
They are updated regulary as data becomes available.
Valuable insights
Reports and other perspectives with valuable insights for marketing Iceland as a destination.
Target groups for Icelandic Tourism
Determining target groups for Icelandic tourism is part of knowledge-building within the tourism industry and building a solid foundation for tourism in Iceland.
The Icelandic Tourist Board
The Icelandic Tourist Board issues a monthly report about "Tourism in Iceland" in figures. It also conducts surveys and collects data about tourism.
Statistics Iceland
Statistics Iceland issues monthly reports about tourism data such as the number of visitors and use of accommodation.